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  • Proximal AI

Why "Proximal" AI

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

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ion of Proximal AI is to accelerate the advent of effective AI powered learning for everyone, everywhere. Our name comes from the convergence of two revolutionary ideas. AI (machine learning) and The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).

The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is the sweet spot where instruction is most effective. First defined by psychologist Lev Vygotsky, it refers to the gap between what a learner can do unaided, and what they can achieve with guidance from a knowledgeable teacher or partner. The ZPD is where scaffolding - providing just the right supports to facilitate growth - allows a student to grasp concepts once beyond their reach.

The lower end of the ZPD is characterized by skills and abilities the learner has already mastered. These activities are comfortably within their grasp. On the upper end are skills that are too advanced and currently out of reach for the learner. The ZPD sits between these two levels - challenging but achievable with "scaffolded" support. (Scaffolding is the provision of sufficient and effective supports to promote learning when concepts and skills are being first introduced.)

When instructing within a student's ZPD, the teacher provides just enough assistance to allow the learner to be successful. This may involve modeling, hints, simplifying the task, or direct guidance. As the learner's competency grows, support is gradually withdrawn, allowing them to operate more independently. Over time, the ZPD shifts as skills that were once challenging become mastered.

Operating within a student's ZPD is crucial for effective teaching. Instruction that is aimed too low promotes boredom and wasted time. Conversely, instruction that is too advanced can frustrate and disengage the learner. The ZPD allows teachers to tailor instruction to provide an optimal level of challenge and maximize learning potential.

Vygotsky viewed cognitive development as a socially mediated process. Learning occurs through interaction with more knowledgeable others, such as teachers, parents, peers, and coaches. By working collaboratively within the ZPD, the learner acquires new strategies, knowledge, and skills.

Here's where AI-powered learning environments come in. Advanced AI tutoring systems can assess a student's current skill level and dynamically track their ZPD over time. By analyzing the student's performance on interactive learning activities, AI can determine which skills they have mastered and which ones they are close to acquiring.

AI tutors can provide personalized scaffolding and feedback tailored to the student's ZPD. For example, hints can be offered when a student gets stuck, or incorrect answers can prompt targeted remediation. The system can even pair students together for peer learning activities that keep them collaborating within their respective ZPDs.

Additionally, AI's data collection capabilities allow it to fine-tune educational experiences over time. By gathering data on optimal challenge levels, engagement, motivation and learning outcomes, the system can incrementally improve its ability to keep students operating in that golden zone.

Of course, every teacher aims to operate in the ZPD. But keeping that aim focused when there are 30, 40, or more individual students in a class is a daunting, if not impossible, task for any one teacher. AI instructors, on the other hand, can focus on each and every student, no matter how many are in a class, school, or school system. AI instructors never get tired or impatient, allowing for extensive 1-on-1 learning sessions fully centered around the student's evolving ZPD. Such systems can be especially empowering for students with special learning needs.

AI has the potential to complement great human teachers and teaching by providing continual dynamic assessment, targeted micro-adaptations, and customized ZPD-based learning paths individualized for each student.

Proximal AI is our all-encompassing concept for dynamic, individualized, instructional design, implementation, scaffolding and assessment powered by AI technology. Together, ZPD and AI create a formidable tool to help all learners unlock their academic potential.

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