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Let AI Prompt Engineer...You: Envisioning an Interview GPT

The rise of large language GPT models has unleashed new creative possibilities for AI-assisted writing. But a major limitation persists - people still struggle to come up with effective prompts to get the most out of these generative tools. What if your AI writing partner could have an intelligent conversation to craft the perfect prompt for you? That’s the promise of what could be called “Interview GPT”.

Current Landscape of AI Writing Tools

AI writing tools use natural language processing to generate or enhance text with varying degrees of autonomy. Typically the user inputs some text or a prompt phrase, and the AI attempts to build on it - crafting new paragraphs, improving flow, or correcting grammar and word choices.

Results can be impressive, with the AI seeming to grasp concepts and semantics to expand text in coherent directions. But output quality and alignment with user goals depends heavily on supplying a strong prompt. Without prompting expertise, people end up relying on generic, abstract prompts often included by the tools such as:

“Write a blog post about...”

“Summarize this text...”

“Correct the following paragraph...”

These blanket prompts lead to equally generic AI output of limited usefulness. Without specificity and personal context, the tools struggle to deeply engage the user or reflect their unique aims. People want an AI writer that understands their perspective, interests, and aspirations enough to make the partnership truly fruitful.

Key Challenges With Fixed Prompts

Preset generic prompts pose several core problems:

Interpretation Struggle

Humans spend time decoding what vague prompts mean rather than easily conveying their goals. “Write about an impactful experience” requires deciding what “impactful” means in this context. Interpretation drains mental energy before creative work even begins.

Misaligned Outputs

Generic prompts often lead to writing users don’t care about or even dislike. “Share a memory about family” may elicit sentimental childhood stories from the AI even if you hoped to write a fictional sci-fi scene. Gaps between expectations and output waste time.

Repetitive Writing

When platforms offer a limited set of popular prompts, they inevitably get overused. This leads to repetitive content lacking originality. The AI has no choice but to churn out variations on the same generic themes. Unique perspectives get lost.

Mismatch With User

Preset prompts likely won’t match individual users' skill levels, interests, or goals. A beginning writer needs different guidance than an expert novelist. And prompts tangential to a user’s experiences lower engagement. One size rarely fits all.

Imagining "Interview GPT"

Now envision an AI writing assistant that first has a friendly conversation to understand exactly what you aim to write and why. It asks about your background, interests, challenges, and aspirations to deeply comprehend your context. You essentially interview the AI so it can best assist you.

This Interview GPT would then leverage natural language processing and sentiment analysis to co-develop customized prompt ideas with you. It could suggest potential angles to explore based on the conversation, or brainstorm fresh prompts that perfectly match your goals and voice.

Finally, Interview GPT would generate a prompt precisely tailored for you to use with the writing tool. You could iterate on the prompt together as many times as needed until it resonates. Only then would you apply the prompt to kickstart the desired writing.

Design Considerations for Interview GPT

Creating an effective Interview GPT would involve thoughtful design around:

- Natural language interface - The interview conversation needs to feel natural and build connection.

- User profile modeling - Tracking interests, skills, preferences over time to keep improving prompts.

- Validating prompts - Testing how well prompts elicit writing aligned with user goals.

- Safeguards - Measures against bias, privacy issues, and overstepping agency.

- Iterative refinement - Continuously adjusting prompt crafting based on user writing outcomes.

The system would need robust linguistic competence and emotional intelligence to comprehend nuanced conversational cues. User choice and control would be paramount throughout.

Envisioning the Interview GPT User Experience

Interview GPT would aim to make prompt crafting an intuitive, rewarding experience:

- The system greets you and explains how the interview will help customize prompts.

- A friendly chat asks about your background, creative aspirations, interests, and struggles.

- Interview GPT listens intently and asks clarifying follow-ups to understand you and your goals.

- It then suggests potential prompt directions tailored for you, or you brainstorm together.

- You provide feedback to hone in on the optimal prompt to unlock your creativity.

- Interview GPT generates the prompt and asks if you're satisfied or would like to refine it further.

- Once finalized, you apply the prompt using your preferred writing tool.

- Later, you view the original text catalyzed by the personalized prompt.

Throughout the conversational process, Interview GPT aims to make you feel heard, understood, and creatively empowered.

Benefits for Users

Interview GPT could enhance AI writing tools by:

- Providing prompts tailored to your skill level, genres, interests, and goals.

- Making prompt crafting an engaging co-creation process.

- Improving relevance, specificity, and clarity of prompts.

- Creating a sense you are understood by the system.

- Continually refining prompts over time as the system models you.

- Unblocking writer’s block by unearthing new ideas.

- Helping explore unfamiliar creative areas and styles.

- Supporting your unique voice rather than one-size-fits-all prompts.

- Sparking your best work by aligning prompts with meaning and purpose.

Implications for Creativity and Learning

At its full potential, Interview GPT could be a creativity catalyst, learning aid, and writing companion rolled into one.

Creativity Catalyst

Finding the right prompt is often the hardest part of writing. Interview GPT could uncover unexpected creative angles you may never have considered. It looks past surface goals to identify your deeper interests and blindspots.

Learning Aid

Students could use Interview GPT to craft meaningful writing prompts for lessons aligned with their learning style and needs. Guiding learners to write with purpose and passion boosts engagement.

Writing Companion

A system that deeply understands your aspirations makes writing feel less isolated. Interview GPT could provide continual encouragement, feedback, and inspiration tuned to you. A partner bringing out your best.

Responsible Implementation

Like any AI system, Interview GPT would need responsible design and deployment:

- Transparent communication of capabilities and limitations.

- Adhering to ethical AI principles on issues like bias and consent.

- Protecting user data privacy and maintaining strict user control.

- Providing oversight and accountability mechanisms.

- Fostering long-term autonomous creativity skills, not dependency.

Interview GPT should aim to enhance human creativity while avoiding risks that could undermine agency.

Conversation as the Key

Generic writing prompts have limited power to unlock one’s potential. But an AI assistant that first holds an in-depth interview to really comprehend creative goals could generate the perfect prompt every time.

This concept for Interview GPT aims to show the creative possibilities unlocked through personalized conversation. Only by understanding each person's unique context and objectives can AI writing tools elevate our voices rather than constrain them.

Interview GPT will no doubt involve significant development work and wise deployment. But at its core is simple wisdom - conversation and mutual understanding cultivate fruitful collaborations. By integrating empathy and insight into its prompting process, such a system could substantially augment creative pursuits.

Of course, that same principle applies to all human-AI partnerships. Conversation reveals our true aspirations. And AI has the potential to help us achieve those aspirations, if co-designed as an empowering tool. By starting from genuine understanding, humans and machines can find new common ground.

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